Wednesday, May 29, 2002
// Listening to: Richard Clayderman - Piano Di Blasio
I think I'm blogging less frequently nowadays. Mainly, it might be due to my laziness, but in real truth, I've got really nothing worth blogging about. My simple (read: b-o-r-i-n-g) life revolves around my PC with internet connection, the black box called TV, my bed and maybe my recently borrowed library books. Not much activities I guess, coz they drain me of my vitamin M, which I need oh so badly now...
== Monday ==
Weather is getting a tad betta nowadays, and most importantly, it rained!!! Making full use of the weather, lazy me decided to sleep the whole day through, waking up at only abt 6+pm (muahahaa). Went to Blk 85 for dinner with him, him, him, her and her bf. Nice meeting ya guyz~~ =D Anyway, we had the famous Ba Chor Mee and stingray. We talked abit and took some photos, and when we finally got up to leave, I suddenly felt like having some you know the rest ahh....
== Tuesday ==
Woke up real early for the first time ever since I started slacking. Met up with Xiaopang, Felicia, Sherlyn and Jo to look for jobs with the help of employment agencies.
First stop - Adecco. The usual staffing consultants which I used to liaise with wasn't there. Instead, another staff attended to us, and she was quite.... sort of intimidating, at least to us? I want my former staffing consultant back! At least she knows me, and had been getting me relatively good jobs in the past....but it depends lar, especially when times are bad now >_<
Second stop - Business Trends. This was worse, coz we were like not even there for 5 minutes, and the staff said she's got no time to waste and ask us to send her our resumes. Slim chance huh? Anyway, this shouldn't be considered a job hunt, coz we didn't actually go hunt for it, rather we chose the passive way. Haiz, really don't know what I'm gonna do.... *sighs*
Had teppanyaki for lunch, then proceeded to the library and borrowed 4 books. At least now I've got something else to do besides the usual TV, PC and blah blah. Bought a shawl for Valerie as her birthday is tomorrow (which is today). And this means I'm $xx poorer... Eh, ahem, and... I got a duo blusher for myself from Red Earth. Cannot blame me ok, I've been wanting to get one for so long, and you know hor, now GSS, then got 50% off, so betta buy now right? wahahaha *guilty look* Ok, I shall repent by reading more books and spending more time at home sweet home.... >_<
== Wednesday ==
Which is today, now, and I wish this Valerie Tan a Happy 20th Birthday! (wonders if she ever come see this anyway) Gonna meet up with the usual gang for some photo shooting spree again. If I'm not wrong, the venue's Changi Airport... So til then!
On a sidenote, I think this is turning more into my diary wahahhaa. Senseless ramblings...anyway, I'm turning into a huge Richard Clayderman addict. I've been listening to the piano pieces he played, and I've got a huge collection of them on my HD now....
Friday, May 24, 2002
// Listening to: Richard Clayderman - Mariage D'amour
Yay!! I pass my semester!! I pass my 3 years in polytechnic!! Yoohoo, I'm on my way to graduation~! Ok, what's next? *lost for a moment*
== Dreamy Fives ==
1. What's the last vivid dream that you remember having?
Ahem, this is a good question. Coz in fact, I dreamt just yesterday! It was a weird dream, something about me going to a casino, then winning the jackpot. (how I wished this happen in real life) I somehow pressed some buttons or pulled the lever, then mention abt going to the ladies, and when I came back, my machine was tinkling with winning tokens....woo~ Ok, this is a weird dream coz firstly, I've never been to a casino, and secondly, I'd think it's a waste of money feeding that machine and pulling some lever. I'd rather play blackjack or something else....weird
2. Do you have any recurring dreams?
Nopez, I don't think so....
3. What's the scariest nightmare you've ever had?
You know, sometimes I imagine too much, or maybe I watch too much horror and ghost movies like [The Ring]. *shudders*
4. Have you ever written your dreams down or considered it? Why or why not?
Didn't write them down, coz I'm plain too lazy to do that when I woke up. Found no point to do so anyway, but I'll remember them....
5. Have you ever had a lucid dream? What did you do in it?
Yea, one or two maybe. Somehow I knew I was dreaming, it was like I'm the third party and I see myself in it...duh. But I don't remember much...really
Thursday, May 23, 2002
// Listening to: Kylie Minogue - It's in your Eyes If you'd bought the June issue of Her World magazine, turn to page 256 and probably you'd get an idea of what kinda life I've been living lately. And if you hadn't gotten yourself a copy, here's a little excerpt:
[There's only one thing I dread more than PMS and putting on weight - being BROKE. When the cash flow ceases, so does my social life. And in Singapore, it seems nearly impossible to leave the house without spending at least $20 a day.
I've always figured out that the safest way to survive through tough times is by vegging at home, in my bedroom or in front of the television instead of going out. But believe me, being a hermit does not help!! I usually end up splurging what little money I have on junk food and every issue of the latest fashion magazines to make up for the boredom that comes with my financial rut. And the drink and grocery bills I chalk up when I try to "keep it simple" does nothing to help the situation....]
So you see, Eileen has been trying to be a good gal, trying to save money by staying at home. But she becomes lazier and lazier, waking up at some unearthly hour. Then she splurge whatever little money she has left on tidbits, more tidbits, strawberries which she so love, and the latest issue of magazines. As the days go by, she has got more tidbits, more strawberries, more magazines but lesser money in her bank account. Wahahahaha, and not forgetting to say, that lazy worm in her has been growing. Oh well, maybe this feature story of Her World is for her then, providing her ways of getting free things, ya - scavenge. Maybe she should try one for a start eh?
Ahh, but at least she did something productive today. She paid off her debts to this person call Simon ya... *sniggers* She paid her HP bills.... so that means less money to talk off. *deep sigh* Ok, at least she found an enjoyable and money-saving activity - taking photos with digicam!! (Maybe can suggest to Her World as Scavenge#10) Jo bought her digicam, and it looks fun with the twistable LCD panel. So the 3 gals were happily taking photos at TM, with Simon somewhere trying to shun the 3 maddies who were like never been to TM. Nice photos taken, hmmm, will post them up when she gets...ermm...over her laziness.... bleh
P/S: Hee, I'd got myself the 7th prize in the D & D lucky draw ~! It's a DKNY watch, not very my type, but as what he says, it's better than nothing. If given a choice, I'd gladly exchange for that TV, phone or palmtop anytime!!! *arbish* Greedy me.... =
Friday, May 17, 2002
// Listening to: Colin Raye - Love Me
Duh, I nearly lost my IC during ladies night at Devil's Bar. I'd left my IC with my friend as I don't have any pockets to keep my IC. So we were like dancing halfway and she suddenly asked , "Eileen, where's ur IC huh?" And then I looked at her and said," Huh?? Isn't it with you?" Then she started emptying her pockets and realized that my IC was really missing. So we went combing every possible place though we know for sure that it couldn't be found in such a situation. Sad. Went to the counter to report the loss, leaving our contact number and such. Moments later, we received a phone call saying that my IC had been found. Oh my, so relieved...phew! Lucky me....
Ladies night was fun, and most of all, money-saving. Muahahaa, coz literally, you just have to pay for the cab fare home. Cheapo.... = But somehow, I think guys wearing officewear, dancing to the music looks funny. You know, shirt and pants, dancing like nobody's business. Or maybe it's just me who thinks they look funny ya?
Ok, I'm gonna start ranting about the stupid weather again. As days go by, I really feel that I'm living in a greenhouse. The heat is simply unbearable. Maybe I'm turning into a plant real soon.... Or maybe I'm just living in a suana house.... When would a thunderstorm come by and take all the heat away?? Rain rain.... please come.....
Friday Five's finally here....
1. What shampoo do you use?
2. Do you use conditioner? What kind?
Hmmm, I suppose I do use conditioner? Although one bottle of conditioner could last me for like eternity, coz I seldom use them due to lateness. I'm already late most of the times and I simply got no time to put on conditioner and such, wahhahahaa. Maybe I should go get a leave-in conditioner, ya? Oh, and btw, the conditioner that I've been using for eternity is also Organics.
3. When was the last time you got your hair cut?
I'm so glad you asked, last thursday! But sadly, nobody seems to notice
4. What styling products do you use?
I don't style my hair coz firstly, I've got no time, secondly, I don't quite like gel stuffs on my hair, making my hair feel sticky and hard.
5. What's your worst hair-related experience?
I think the answer's no at the moment, maybe except for the times when the hairdresser tends to cut your hair too short?
I'm feeling sicker than ever, I've got an ulcer, cough, sore throat and flu. What about the D & D tomorrow? Drats! I'm gonna see the doctor now =(
Wednesday, May 15, 2002
// Listening to: Lazard - 4 O'Clock in the Morning
I've finally managed to finish shopping for my D&D clothes and necessities after massive browsing through several stores on Monday and Tuesday. Wahahaha, and I'm now 200 bucks poorer....kill me! I need to get a job fast. >_<
The stupid hot and humid weather is getting worse these days. Is the hole in the ozone layer enlarging or wat?? And I heard that the weather is going to get hotter, no? *sighs* Maybe it's the weather that's making me feel sick. I've got this stupid cough and sore throat since Monday. It doesn't even help with the frequent strepsils I've eaten and the cough mixture I tried to drink as faithfully as I can. Mum says, "Drink more water". Dad says, " You see lar, everyday anihow eat, now sick liaoz" He says, "Drink more water and get some rest". Ok, case closed, maybe I shall go drink a barrel of water now.....
It's ladies night today~~ I wanna go out and play.....
Monday, May 13, 2002
// Listening to: Enya - On My Way Home Oh great! Take a look at this! He's one of the top ten wor, dun pray pray.... Guess the person who created this site must be damn bored to come up with something like that. Attention-seeker? Lamer? Look who's talking....
Yay! Xiaopang's rabbits gave birth to 4 baby rabbits recently! Have not seen them yet, but I can imagine how cute they are right now.....muahahaa. Little, small fur-less rabbits. Yes, fur-less... and they only know how to roll here and there. Hmmm, but rabbits mama and papa are baddies, coz they never take care of their babies..... Irresponsible ya?
Ehh, I feel short all of a sudden.... Am I shrinking?? >_<
Saturday, May 11, 2002
// Listening to: Bastrik 99 - World's Flow
Yoohoo~~ I'm back from the chalet.... Anybody miss me? Muahahaa....Ehh, actually, I'm back since Wednesday, it's juz that I'm always out of the house and when I'm home, I'm too lazy to on the PC and blog, get it? Hee... =PpPPpPp
Anyway, chalet's fun, with the exception that there were too little ppl there. And I really mean too little! The mere mention of having to pay $30 for the chalet made everybody run away, so you can imagine how pathetic looking the chalet was. Nevertheless, it was fun as I said, and true enough, I had an overdose of satays....wahahahaha. There were just too much~~
Spiderman was good, at least not as bad as some people claimed to be. Maybe they had high expectations on the show since it's their childhood hero afterall.... I had my hair trimmed yesterday, not much of a difference, so be it. Til then!
Some food for thought:
A young man, a student in one of our universities, was one day taking a walk with a professor, who was commonly called the student's friend, from his kindness to those who waited on his instructions.
As they went along, they saw lying in the path a pair of old shoes, which they supposed to belong to a poor man who was employed in a field close by, and who had nearly finished his day's work.
The student turned to the professor, saying: "Let us play the man a trick: we will hide his shoes, and conceal ourselves behind those bushes, and wait to see his perplexity when he cannot find them."
“My young friend," answered the professor, "we should never amuse ourselves at the expense of the poor. But you are rich, and may give yourself a much greater pleasure by means of this poor man. Put a coin in each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch how this affects him."
While putting on his coat he slipped his foot into one of his shoes, but feeling something hard, he stooped down to feel what it was, and found the coin. Astonishment and wonder were seen upon his countenance. He gazed upon the coin, turned it around, and looked at it again and again.
He then looked around him on all sides, but no person was to be seen. He now put the money into his pocket, and proceeded to put on the other shoe; but his surprise was doubled on finding the other coin.
His feelings overcame him; he fell upon his knees, looked up to heaven and uttered aloud a fervent thanksgiving in which he spoke of his wife, sick and helpless, and his children without bread, whom this timely bounty, from some unknown hand, would save from perishing.
The student stood there deeply affected, and his eyes filled with tears. "Now," said the professor, are you not much better pleased than if you had played your intended trick?"
The youth replied, "You have taught me a lesson which I will never forget. I feel now the truth of these words, which I never understood before: "It's more blessed to give than to receive."
If you want happiness...
For an hour---take a nap
For a day--- go fishing
For a month----get married
For a year---inherit a fortune
For a lifetime---help someone.
Saturday, May 04, 2002
// Listening to: My Sassy Girl OST - I Believe
I've joined the Moo Moo Blog!! Watch us mooooooo here!! I'm beginning to think I can be such a pig. (i know that's not an amazing discovery) I can actually sleep through 21 missed calls and not hear any of them ringing. So next time if you people call me for eternity and yet no answer, chances are: I'm sleeping.... *lol*
Uhh, juz when I felt like doing some Friday Fives, they're taking a break. Guess I've got to wait til next week?
Friday, May 03, 2002
My Class Chalet
// Listening to: Lee Galloway - Canon in D Major (Pachebel)
Was checking my email when I read this funny yet crappy email from my class rep to inform us on our upcoming class chalet. Thought I'd share this with you people, since I can't seem to get to sleep at this point of time. Those in italic are particularly crappy to me. He must be real bored. *lol*
Dear T31D,
this is your shuave, cute, sweet, sensitive, humorous, intelligent and macho class rep, Victor Foo (Dun sticked out ur tongue k. I will give u all 10 minutes to go to the toilet to vomit. Not going? That means is true lah hahahahaha. No lah just kidding. Only the humorous part is not true. hahaha. Ok get back to serious matters). I am writing this letter regarding to the chalet and bbq on this coming monday. I liked to inform you that all of you have been selected to be a part of this grand event hahahaha.
Each of you all is given a role. Either to prepare foods and drinks or organizing activities. Below are the roles given to you.'
**Remember everything must be in Halah
*****Buying of Food*****
1)Satay(100 chicken and 100 mutton) and chicken wings (48)(needs to season one hor) - Jenis, Hidayah, Yati and Angela
2)Chicken Breasts(60), Taiwan Sausages (6 packet each) and mash mallow - Felicia, Rina, Sherlyn and Eileen
3)Western Sausages (6 packet) Benjamin Ng
4)Fish Balls(3) and Crab Meats (5)-Happy, Janet and Justina
5)Bee Hoon- Janet
6)Sting Ray-Jo and Cindy
Anymore suggestion or the food is too much or too little discuss with me K.
*****Buying of Drinks*****
1)Syrups (6 bottles) and Ice- Leon, David and Jing Cong
Anymore suggestion call me
****Organizing Activities*****
Rina- Game Mistress
Jing Cong
(You all have to discuss with each other to organize what kind of games for the class)
Andrew and Simon
-Tolilet Paper
-Satay Sticks
-Wire Mesh
-Fire Starter
-Paper Plates and Cups
-Barrel (for the syrup)
-VCD player (Maybe only cause I bring alot of things already)
-Mahjong(also Maybe unless who is willing to help me to carry back home first then bring on Monday)
ALCOHOL-who is willing to contribute please bring ok. We can split the bill among the drinkers. But please inform me who is bringing.
Please tell me who is not going and who is bring friends along by this friday. Call me for any inquiries. My contact numbers are 9xxxxxxx and 6xxxxxx.Please feel free to call ok. Especially you all have any suggestions
I think the western sausages sounds funny, doesn't he know it's called hotdogs?? And toilet paper, tell me who brings toilet paper to chalets?? Imagine the poor guy trying to juggle rolls of toilet paper while coming to our chalet. (i'm imaginative, hoho) Heh, hope he doesn't come this far to read my blog, he'd prolly murder me for this. Guess all of you should have a rough idea what kinda food we're having huh?
Thursday, May 02, 2002
// Listening to: Pitter Patter Raindrops...
I thought I'd put this up for the sake of those who hadn't seen my updated webshots. I'd been such a dear to go sort out and edit photos that were taken with my digicam about a month ago. Hehe =) View here and here.
Anyway, the weather's been cooling lately, with all the frequent downpours and such. I love this weather, particularly nice to sleep in and not do anything but relax. But I had planned to bank in my pay cheque this afternoon if not for the rain. I hate to be out in rainy weathers ah, coz of those mud pools and everything. And I hate carrying umbrellas for no particular reason. Just a question, is there any expiry date or date limitations for cross cheques? Hope not! Coz I received the cheque sometime back, but not yet banked in. Wahahaaa, if ya know, tell me ok? I swear I'm gonna bank it in tomorrow, provided no rainy weathers. And if you'd noticed, I changed my desktop. Cute?
Quiz Time
I'm back to quiz mode again... It's been a long time ever since I last took a quiz. I think the graphics are cute... Anyway, I made a new pink blinkie by myself. Ain't I clever? Muhhahaha
