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Saturday, October 30, 2004

Baa! The room is a mess!
// Listening to: Usher (feat Alicia Keys) - My Boo

My room marks a brand new definition of the garbage dump. It's so messy that you can NEVER imagine how messy it is. Never.

The floor that was once clean and shiny, is now dusty and cluttered with books, magazines, vcds and other stuffs which you would probably be more inclined to find them in the dustbin. Worse still, I cannot even rest my pair of feet comfortably in my room. More often than not, I've got to "play" the Pepsi-Cola 1-2-3 stunt that we played in Primary school so that I can move about in my room. Darn, I must be a very good player for that game by now.

If all my books, magazines and vcds are to be arranged neatly, I believe I can set up a rental store and earn some extra moolah. The amount of stuffs I have in my room is alarming. I believe if a burglar is to sneak into my room and steal something, I will never ever notice. Not that I have anything valuable for him to steal anyway.

Whenever I tell my colleagues about my mum's comment on "My daughter is sleeping in a garbage dump", they will laugh and not believe me. For my working area is very neat and clean. I can never work in a messy area. Ah! That explains why. I never work at home. I simply slack. Therefore, the simple reason of why my room is becoming a garbage dump is because I slack too much.

Then again, I believe that to attain the highest level of nirvana is to maintain order amidst the clutter. I believe I have reached that level in my garbage dump. After all, how many of you can survive in a garbage dump day in day out, sleep as if there's no mess and go to work the next morning?

Baa! Somebody please smack me real hard and get my ass off the bed to start cleaning my room!

Well, it's Halloween. So,

Happy Halloween!

Treats or tricks?

p/s: Note that we do say Happy Halloween's Day and not Happy Ghost Festival for the Chinese.

always me ♥ 10:08 PM | 0 comments

Friday, October 29, 2004

Yabadabadoo blah blah blah

I'm officially counting down to 5 hours.

Life is beautiful. I shall wear my gorgeous royalty Levi's jeans and strut proudly around Orchard tomorrow.

I'm mad.

always me ♥ 10:13 PM | 0 comments

Thursday, October 28, 2004

How do you type?

I can never understand why people type like this.

"heckcare lar...2am oredi n im stil awake....hahax dunno wat to sae oso....nw my mind lyke all blank lyke dat...todae lyke do nth de...sibei sian juz fin de tut for tml lesson....(and more sms/chat lingo)"


"hEcKcArE laR! 2am alReaDY n iM sTiL aWaKe....hOw fReaKiNg LoNg dOeS iT aCtuALly TaKe tO tyPe LiKe tHiS?????"

Why do they not type in conventional English? Isn't it easier to read? Imagine if I'm an old granny trying to read this and realised I'm someone out of this world because I can't understand the sms/chat lingo you are trying to type here. Clearly, sms/chat lingo is for you to use in sms/chatrooms ONLY.

Then, the second type of typing irritates me like, wHaT tHe HeLL iS tHiS??? I mean, I don't understand the logic behind typing this way. This is even worse than the first kind. I think the only logic behind this kind of typing is to "beautify" the words. Which actually is not beautiful, especially if you are typing in this way for an entire chunk of passage which totals up to 1,000 words. Don't you ever get tired with the shift-tab typing this way??? You might as well type it this way:

"Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an enligsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe."

Of course I'm not saying I blog in perfect English and phrasing. In fact, I myself, am guilty of using short forms like "juz", "coz", "lar", blah blah. I'm just trying to say that when I read passages fully typed in this manner, it takes a longer time for me to fully comprehend what the blogger is trying to say because by the time I decipher your "code", I would have forgotten what I had read in the first line.

That said, I won't mind something like this:

"Gd Nite! Sweet Dreamz!!"


"GooD NiGhT!! SwEeT DreAmZzz!"

Wow! 1.5 more days to go! ;)

always me ♥ 10:34 PM | 0 comments

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Counting down...

I'm actually counting down to my Taiwan trip next week, which is like 2.5 days more to go. Actually, to be exact, it's 5 more days to go.

2.5 more days to go and I'm on block leave! Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and tada! I no longer have to drag my tired body to work. For the next 7 days of course. Then I'm back to the dreadful office.

Let's just talk about the happy things, shall we?

Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan TaiwanTaiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan TaiwanTaiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan

Block leave Block leave Block leave Block leave Block leave Block leave Block leave
Block leave Block leave Block leave Block leave Block leave Block leave Block leave

I have not packed my bags yet. I reckon I will rot and nua as usual, then panic will strike around Monday evening before I start packing for my Tuesday MORNING flight.

Ah! I'm blabbering nonsense because it's such a nice cool rainy weather and I feel like sleeping.

No more Sims tonight.

always me ♥ 11:48 PM | 0 comments

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Out of boliao-ness

After chatting on MSN, and also after sending Mr Eeyore my chio "pixeled" images, he laments why I did not do one for him.

So here I am, out of sheer boliao-ness, showcasing my great work. Oops, sorry not my credit, should be
here. But hey, it still takes a lot of effort and great intelligence to choose the mouth, nose, hairstyle, face, and everything else ok!

Mr Eeyore
Posted by Hello

A darker Mr Eeyore
Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

Don't you think we look like a perfect couple? I know you want to puke.

Trust me, we don't even look like this IRL. Come on, you really trust me?

always me ♥ 11:06 PM | 0 comments


I realized I've got no title for this post, hence the "r.a.n.d.o.m". Anyway, nobody set the rule to title your post, is there?

Surfed around and managed to pixel myself into these.

Posted by Hello

Me with specs!
Posted by Hello

Not that I wear specs anyway. Just for fun. I think I look pretty cool in specs, and pixeled images make me look chio. Thus, I will give the illusion of me being chio, and gradually, people will think that I'm really chio. I AM CHIO! BWAMUAHAHA!

Oh well, I'm a bit narcissistic. Can or not?!?

Anywayhow, here's the link to make you look chio also. Have fun!

always me ♥ 9:34 PM | 0 comments

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Poorer once more!

You know, I've just gotten my pay on the 15th. And I'm supposed to be in a very rich mood because 15 is just like 2 days ago. And on the 15th, I remembered telling myself, "I've got to save, save and save this month. Because I've got a Taiwan trip coming up, and a handphone and digicam on the list. My savings pool has also become quite depleted since my birthday celebration. So no more shopping and buying clothes, shoes, bags or whatever this month!"

And you see what I bought yesterday.

My expensive royalty Levi's jeans Posted by Hello

Close up on the diamantes!!
Posted by Hello

It's a freaking $189.50!!!!!!
Posted by Hello

Levi's ladies diva jeans with diamantes crystallized with Swarovski costing a freaking $189.50!!!!! That's almost $200 for a pair of jeans!! My most expensive levi's, or rather, my most expensive pair of jeans!

Then the sales assistant came to tell me that I could become a member for another 8 bucks because my purchase is above $150. He proceeded to tell me all the member benefits and all my mind was thinking at that time was "Money money money...." Then, I noticed "Birthday month you're entitled 20% off." I brightened up and asked if I'm entitled for the 20% since October is my birthday month. I was slapped with a "No, only on subsequent purchase." And man, was I crestfallen. But still, I became a member (What's $8 compared to $190 anyway!) and became instantly $200 poorer after 1 day upon receipt of my pay.

Tell me, how am I going to survive for the rest of the days til 15th November, coz I just wanted to die. And a Taiwan trip to boot 2 weeks later. Argh!

Fortunately, kind and compassionate Mr Eeyore offered to sponsor me $80 for the jeans. So all in all, I only paid $120. If only it's only ONLY. Considering if I hadn't bought the jeans, I would have been $120 richer now. And Mr Eeyore $80 richer.


Then I woke up this morning (afternoon actually) to hug my royalty jeans, since I'm not going anywhere today, and thus, no chance to show off my damn expensive royalty jeans. And also, with a clearer mind, I realised, I HAVE A METRO CARD WHICH OFFERS ME 10% OFF AND I CAN PAY ON CREDIT!!!!!

Dammit! I could have bought it in Metro and saved $18.95! That's alot, considering I can eat 9 packets of chicken rice with that money and have 95 cents left to eat beancurd for dessert. And I could have paid on credit, meaning I can pay them off on my next payday and thus, will have more money to go on my Taiwan trip.

Oh well. See what impulse buying does to you. At least I'm not in debt. And,


Back to hugging my royalty jeans, then off to playing Sims 2. Woohoo~

always me ♥ 3:39 PM | 0 comments

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

It's so passe

Is it just me who thinks that the advertisement for PSC Nite is forever so passe? For donkey years, it has always been Chen Shucheng and two other gals dressed in funny outlandish costumes role-playing .

At this rate, I believe 10 years from now, I will still see Chen Shucheng role-playing with two other gals for PSC Nite. That is, if Chen Shucheng is still in the business.

Oh gawd! Spare me the horrid advertisement. It's not entertaining at all! =

always me ♥ 8:17 PM | 0 comments

Monday, October 11, 2004


I actually wanted to blog about a couple of things today.

Things like my chalet, my birthday, my stay at Sentosa, Singapore Idol and other random little things. But suddenly, I've got writer's block. I can't seem to put my thoughts together and articulate them. Bad.

So for now, I shall say, I'm badly sunburnt and have dead skin peeling all over my face!! And better still, I've got a nasty pimple threatening to erupt right in the centre of my nose. MY NOSE!! Can you imagine what a strategic location that is?? My pimples always manage to find such strategic locations. Woe is me! Oh well.

I almost didn't want to go back to work today. Can I turn back time and go back to last week? That way, I would have 3 more off days. =p

Whilst I try to string my thoughts together, I shall go play Sims 2.

always me ♥ 9:10 PM | 0 comments

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Money Money Money

I think I need more money than ever. Please tell me how to get more vitamin M for the following:
  1. Birthday chalet (which is today!)
  2. Taiwan trip in November
  3. New handphone, preferably N7610 or N6230 as my trusty N8310 is beyond hope
  4. New digital camera, preferably something small and slick like Canon Ixus 500, or Casio as my current digicam is almost obsolete!

Perhaps a trust fund would be good?

And by the way, say Happy Birthday to moi-self. ;)

always me ♥ 11:58 AM | 0 comments

Monday, October 04, 2004

It's playtime!
// Listening to: Beyonce - Crazy in Love

Guess what Mr Eeyore bought me?

It's TS2!!!! Posted by Hello

Lo and behold! It's The Sims 2 !!!!!!! I'm absolutely elated! Now I can play until mad.

In fact, I got it from him yesterday and you'd never guess how long I played until, considering the fact that I've got to work today.

I played until 4am in the wee hours of the morning.

And I was like a zombie at work today. Even the Cisco said I had a sleepy face.

With that in mind, I told myself I MUST sleep early tonight.

But guess what, I'm sitting in front of the computer and you know what's going to happen next after blogging?


Reviews later, that is, if I'm not procrastinating as usual. =)

always me ♥ 8:16 PM | 0 comments

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Quiz - from here

Wackiness: 46/100
Rationality: 60/100
Constructiveness: 66/100
Leadership: 46/100

You are a SRCF--Sober Rational Constructive Follower. This makes you a White House staffer.

You are a tremendous asset to any employer, cool under pressure, productive, and a great communicator. You feel the need to right wrongs, take up slack, mediate disputes and keep the peace. This comes from a secret fear that business can't go on without you--or worse, that it can.

If you have a weakness, it is your inability to say "no." While your peers respect you, they find it difficult to resist taking advantage of your positive attitude and eagerness to take on work. You depend on a good manager to keep you from sinking under the weight and burning out.

Of the 35730 people who have taken this quiz since tracking began (8/17/2004), 7.5 % are this type.

I have a bad feeling that I will spend a lot of money today. *sigh*

always me ♥ 2:09 PM | 0 comments

Friday, October 01, 2004

Happy Children's Day.....
// Listening to: Natasha Thomas - It's over now

But alas! I no longer belong to that category a long time ago. Then again, I'm still a child at heart! That makes me eligible to celebrate, isn't it so? Muahhaha!

I think I'm mad.

Mr Eeyore sent me this to make me feel better after that madman episode. Please click on it to make it bigger because it's so ridiculously small.

Rabbit Doggy!

I definitely felt a lot better after blogging about that madman, or my "suay" day for that matter.

I'm currently reading a book, titled "Thank you, for being such a pain" which gives me insight on how to deal with difficult people.

And I am inspired. But then, sometimes I feel that I'm the difficult one.

Because I thought,


See! I'm bad.

Once again, for the umpteenth time this year, TGIF.

always me ♥ 10:53 PM | 0 comments