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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Happy New Year !!!!

It seems like just yesterday when we were still very hyper during 除夕, and especially joyous because we have an extra holiday off on 初三 this year, making it a straight 3/4 days off work. Whoa, like so shiok!

In a flash, the holidays are over and we are faced with an impending workload. Work seems especially dreary when you are supposed to be in a joyous mood, eating bak kwa and pineapple tarts. I luuuurve bak kwa.

Sometimes, I'm so lazy, I think the government should give us holidays from 初一 all the way to 十五晚. Good idea right? Muahahha.......

Anyway, after 团圆饭, I sneaked out to meet S at Chinatown to squeeze with the crowd. I think the human traffic was horribly jammed lor, sometimes, the jam was like totally NOT moving at all and I wondered what is so fantastic up in front to stop them from moving.

Talking about "human jam", I personally think that it is understandable that the crowd can get pretty unbearable. Most probably you can't move, feel stuck with nothing to see, sweat like nobody's business, short of breath or whatsoever, but you've got to understand some people just like to bask in the festive mood by simply jostling in the crowd. But it's expected right?!

There was this mad man, I presumed, that knocked me so hard, I nearly fell off balance. I think he did it on purpose, after knocking me, he was still clenching his fists, with his arms arched like a wrestler ready to fight anybody in his way. I swear I was not exaggerating because everybody else started to "siam". Siao right, know sure got alot of people wan mah, don't like don't come lar, come here and knock people for what, sekali I fall how?? Never say sorry somemore! How gentleman. Shit you.....

I think I must forget about this guy, just make my blood boil. New Year must talk about happy things. We shall look at pictures. By the way, I think the Taiwan muah-chees are in-vogue now, they were selling like mad at any other stalls.

By 初三, which is yesterday, me and fellow colleague F got so bored because we only have visiting on the first day, decided to go Marina Square for some KTV.

New Year, KBox also have new interface and system. They even have games lor! But somehow, I couldn't get the "Play" button to work on the games part. We were also having some problems adapting to the new system. So in order to familiarize myself with the new system, I decided to "test-drive" by pressing this button and pressing that button. At one point, I even touched the screen to test if it's upgraded to touch screen. Heck, not so advanced yet lor.

I think I pressed too much, the system suddenly rebooted and all the songs I've painstakingly selected are GONE!! We called the service staff and he said it's new system so he also don't know. Like I know like that. Colleague F nearly murdered me for erasing her playlist.

Anyway, back to work today. Like I said, I really don't feel like working today, they really should give us more holidays lor, 3 days not enough. In actual fact, I think it'd be better if everyday is a holiday. Like money will drop from the sky.

To start the first working day in the New Year, bosses gave each of us a 开工红包, which is actually a Big Sweep ticket.

I was hoping to strike the $2 million, or second or third prize also can. Then I can throw letter and 过个大肥年. But like previous years, I have no luck in such things. Haiz.

Some random food we had include sushi, 鱼生 and red wine, that was pre-celebration before new year that is.

In other matters, I met the most outrageous and stupid customers today. Please tell me, what do you actually do with stupid people?

Let me end this post with a 恭喜发财 once again.

身体健康 and 财源滚滚来 !!!

Happy New Year!!!


always me ♥ 9:43 PM | 0 comments