Saturday, April 22, 2006
默写 nowadaysThe other day, I was sitting beside two primary school kids on the train who were reading aloud and trying to memorise some lines which I suspected was 默写.
You know, 默写 to me was like eons ago where we have to memorise stupid passages like some random 唐诗 or excerpts from the textbooks.
Being curious what they were trying to memorise and since I was bored, I took a peep at the passages they were supposed to memorise.
It went briefly like this:
男人 微黄的头发, 健美的身材, 高大威猛, and blah blah blah huge chunk of words describing 男人
女人秀长的头发, 苗条的身材, 漂亮的脸庞, 笑起来眉毛像弯弯的月亮, and blah blah blah huge chunk of words describing 女人
No more random 唐诗 or excerpts from the textbooks. Or maybe that was an excerpt from the textbook?!
No doubt, I was amused, especially when they sounded dead-pan reciting the descriptions.
I laughed. Bad.
Labels: Random
Monday, April 10, 2006
Labels: Random
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Random MRT RideYou have a bad biased feeling that the guy sitting beside you must be somebody bad because he's acting a bit weird and smells too....
Then, without a word, he gets up from his seat for an elderly man.
You realised, with a smile in your heart, that you may be wrong afterall....
Labels: Random