Thursday, June 18, 2009
My First Coming Back Entry cum RantMy ulcer hurts like hell! It's hurting so much that I can't even bring myself to smile! Bloody ulcers! I hate ulcers! Hate hate hate!!!
For some strange reason, I've always been plagued with ulcers. As a little girl, I used to think that scraping off that white thing over the ulcer would heal. Something like, what it's not there doesn't hurt. (Wow, I had such logical thinking since young!) Then again, I think it's a stupid idea coz it certainly hurts and I remembered bleeding like hell. Stupid idea.
I think I'm blogging incoherently coz I'm sweating like mad in my suana-like room. I hate humid hot weathers! Doesn't help when I don't have an air-con to boot! Shit!
Did not expect my first coming-back entry to be such a rant. I think I've lost the touch of blogging and ranting. Words are like bits and pieces of my incoherent mind and pieced together like a bad jigsaw puzzle. Bleh.
Did I mention that I'm also bloody hell broke and behind in payments?!?
The shopaholic cum money spender in me still managed to chalk almost everything that involves money! And it's just simply over the weekend! Fantastic right?
Just to make myself feel a little tad guilty, my fantastic money spending activities as follow:
- Hair color & treatment - accomplished on Friday
- Laptop Sony Vaio !!! - accomplished on Saturday
- Signup new mobile broadband plan - accomplished on Saturday
- 1 new laptop cover (tho I've got a free Sony cover) - accomplished on Monday
- 1 dress for this Sat's wedding dinner - accomplished on Monday
- 1 top - accomplished on Monday
- 2 belts - accomplished on Monday
I amaze myself sometimes. Till then.