Tuesday, June 30, 2009
奇怪不知为什么, 最近总是心不在焉。。。
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I do not understand...In light of the recent recession, I forwarded the following picture to my colleagues to brighten up their otherwise boring day.

Then one started to reply, telling me to look carefully at what they are eating coz bread and eggs ain't cheap and telling me how Bengali used to peddle their ware on their head and so on.
What I don't understand is how the above translate to my email on the chickens having their kids for breakfast or having food on the table is good enough in such bad times.
Perhaps, we were on the wrong frequency...
What say you?
Labels: Random
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Confused...Sometimes, I confuse myself with my own nonsensical thoughts.
Labels: Random
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
In denial....yet againI so do not want to go back to work tomorrow.
Yes, I'm in denial again. This must be the 734792348273429 times I've said this.
To top it off, I was told that we have to greet customers at the door every morning. And no, I'm neither working at a restaurant nor at a departmental store. I'm freaking working in a bank! Can you imagine my
incredulity when I heard this??
And yes, I'm still sticking to my job, for better or for worse.
Times are bad
Labels: Work
Monday, June 22, 2009
Doctor beri 帅!Was off today and met up with
S to go shopping. Not exactly shopping per se, since I busted my budget for this month and couldn't buy anything much. I only bought a pair of earrings tho, star earrings. Hee!
S bought a couple of things though. Manuka honey for her boyfriend, baby clothes for M but nothing for herself. Wahahaha. Very 伟大!
All of the above 不是重点. Here comes.
We were at Raffles City basement and there was this free chiropractic screening going on, held by some chiropractic clinic. Since it was free, doubled with me & my friend feeling bo liaoz and also complaining of aches at this young age, we decided to go for it.
We had to complete some questionaire, then did a simple X-ray (I think) to see how disaligned our spine has become over the years. Then we were given a printout to show us the difference between our supposedly "disaligned" spine and the ideal spine, followed by a short video presentation of spine problems and how the clinic can help us. Quite fuzzy about the details since I was "electrocuted" in the later part.
Shortly after, we waited for our turn to have a one-on-one brief consultation with the doctor. Let's call him
Doctor Wash Sofa.
I cannot help but notice that the
Doctor Wash Sofa was beri 帅lor! Complete with his electrostatic eyes which I nearly got electrocuted. Wahaha.
I think he's in his late 20s, if not, early 30s and he have this US slang (since he studied in the US) which I tried very hard to understand when he was explaining my condition. Nevertheless, he's still beri 帅! Slurps!
Then again, to give him some credits, he was rather spot on in his diagnosis. He did pointed out some areas which were bugging me lately. I somehow sort of "zek tio" my left shoulder about 2 weeks ago. And when he asked me how, I said I had no idea. I think I kena 电到啦。。。
I did not sign up for the second consultation though, since I was broke and didn't foresee myself following up on all those treatments which must be bloody ex.
S signed up and claimed that it's mostly because she have this constant lower back pain recently. Me thinks that this is just a smokescreen to see the handsome doctor legally. At most, I give her 10% for seriously considering her back pain and 90% for drooling at the doctor's desk next Monday. That 花痴 woman somemore came back and searched for him on facebook lor! I simply came back and blogged about it hor. I did tell
F about him lar and she said that she has never seen me talk about a guy so much. I told her that's because there's no worthy guys around her for me to talk about in the first place.
By the way, my office people are very concerned about my single status recently and go all out to match any Tom, Dick & Harry with me. I will say yes if they find somebody like Doctor Wash Sofa. Muahahaha. We shall talk about that some other day.
I shall go dream of
Doctor Wash Sofa now.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
New Layout!Gotten quite sick of the childish pooh layout, so after much searching and tweaking, I've finally gotten my new layout up & running!
Saw a few which I really liked, but somehow didn't work out. I think my coding skills are getting rusty. Coding is very tiring one you know? Or is it just me?
Nevertheless, I pretty much like this layout. Something like Masquerade in Phantom of the Opera, which is coincidently, one of my faves.
Very artistic leh.
So there.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
退步了!今天在打email 时,想打个很简单的字。可是,这个字,我怎么都拼不出。
因为工作的关系,我们常以英文沟通,也渐渐地把我们的母语给淡忘。我想, 也是时候好好练习我的母语了。所以才决定以中文写今天的blog, 希望能借此恶补一下。
其实, 还蛮吃力的喔!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
My First Coming Back Entry cum RantMy ulcer hurts like hell! It's hurting so much that I can't even bring myself to smile! Bloody ulcers! I hate ulcers! Hate hate hate!!!
For some strange reason, I've always been plagued with ulcers. As a little girl, I used to think that scraping off that white thing over the ulcer would heal. Something like, what it's not there doesn't hurt. (Wow, I had such logical thinking since young!) Then again, I think it's a stupid idea coz it certainly hurts and I remembered bleeding like hell. Stupid idea.
I think I'm blogging incoherently coz I'm sweating like mad in my suana-like room. I hate humid hot weathers! Doesn't help when I don't have an air-con to boot! Shit!
Did not expect my first coming-back entry to be such a rant. I think I've lost the touch of blogging and ranting. Words are like bits and pieces of my incoherent mind and pieced together like a bad jigsaw puzzle. Bleh.
Did I mention that I'm also bloody hell broke and behind in payments?!?
The shopaholic cum money spender in me still managed to chalk almost everything that involves money! And it's just simply over the weekend! Fantastic right?
Just to make myself feel a little tad guilty, my fantastic money spending activities as follow:
- Hair color & treatment - accomplished on Friday
- Laptop Sony Vaio !!! - accomplished on Saturday
- Signup new mobile broadband plan - accomplished on Saturday
- 1 new laptop cover (tho I've got a free Sony cover) - accomplished on Monday
- 1 dress for this Sat's wedding dinner - accomplished on Monday
- 1 top - accomplished on Monday
- 2 belts - accomplished on Monday
I amaze myself sometimes. Till then.